Family Weekend 2025

Our next Family Weekend Away will take place from Friday 13th to Monday 16th June 2025 at Center Parcs Sherwood Forest. Read on for all the details and instructions on how to book!

The magic of our Annual Family Weekend Away:

What to expect

Hear all about our Annual Family Weekend Away in our film below:

Center Parcs 2022 Family Weekend Away Video

Discover more, from brothers and sisters of those living with Dravet Syndrome, about our amazing morning of sibling activities and a restaurant lunch in our film below:

Siblings Video - Annual Family Weekend

Although we were nervous at first, from the moment we walked through the doors we were greeted as friends and by the end of the weekend it felt as though we had met family. This is the most positive group who will understand everything you are going through, with no judgemental or negative attitudes, and you will leave with hope, good memories, and a million names to remember for the inevitable return the following year!

How to book

Our Annual Family Weekend Away 2025 will take place from Friday 13th June to Monday 16th June 2025 at Center Parcs Sherwood Forest.

Step 1: Book your accommodation with Center Parcs directly

As part of your booking, you can choose to book accommodation in a centrally-located lodge. Center Parcs have agreed to waive the fee for booking accommodation in the central area, as follows; The free preference for central areas is for medical support (i.e. if you haven't got a child or adult in your care reliant on medical support and are not part of the medical support yourself, you will not be entitled to the free preference charge).

Booking by phone:

Booking online:

  1. Book your lodge online direct with Center Parcs by clicking here and select a central lodge.
  2. Following making your booking, send a separate email to and explain that you have a booking as part of the Dravet Weekend at Sherwood in June 2025. Include your booking reference number. The refund adjustment will be made manually by Center Parcs.

Step 2: Look out for the DSUK Annual Family Weekend Grant announcement in late 2024/early 2025.

We'll be announcing the Family Weekend Grant at the end of 2024 or early in 2025 (the grant awarded was £400 to each family who wanted to attend for the 2024 event). This will be announced across our social channels and here on the website. We'll let you know instructions for applying for the grant, or if you don't wish to receive this grant, instructions on how to let us know you're joining us in 2025.