Types of Medication

Children and adults with Dravet Syndrome typically need to be taking a combination of medications to help control or reduce seizures. It is always important to remember that medication regimes remain very individual to the patient.

As with all medications, it is very important to comply with all the instructions provided when administering medications to your child, especially dosing and course completion. We suggest you speak to your child’s doctor if you have any concerns over their medication and it is essential that you speak to your medical team before altering any medications. 

Individuals with Dravet Syndrome can be very susceptible to the slightest change so all medication changes must be done in consultation with a medical professional.

Treatments currently available for Dravet Syndrome are listed below. These treatments focus on controlling or minimising seizures in order to reduce their impact on development and injuries. 

Medications that should NOT be used with Dravet Syndrome

Medications which can increase or prolong seizures in some individuals with Dravet Syndrome include: 

Carbamazepine, gabapentin, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, pregabalin, tiagabine, and vigabatrin (although phenytoin can increase seizures if used as a daily maintenance medication, it can be useful when used intravenously as an emergency treatment).

Prescription of Generic versus Branded Medications

Generic names are the names given to the main ingredient of the medication (for example Sodium Valproate); branded names are those given by the drug company making the medication (for example Epilim) and refer to specific formulations made by a particular company. The important thing to remember is that you stick with the brand that was initially prescribed, assuming it is working for your child. So, for example, if you have always been prescribed Epilim it is best to stick with that rather than a different form of Sodium Valproate as there is a chance that a different version of your child’s epilepsy medicine would have a different effect. 

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends that people with epilepsy continue to get the same version of their epilepsy medicine wherever possible. If the person who prescribes your epilepsy medicine wants to change your child’s version, they should discuss this with you first.

Emergency Medication and Protocols

It may sometimes be necessary for you to give your child emergency medication to control their seizures. Find out more here.

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