Parent / Carer Conference 2023 Order Confirmation

Thank you for registering to view the on-demand content from the Dravet Syndrome UK Parent Carer Conference which took place on Saturday 18th November 2023.

You should now receive an email confirming your booking. If you don't, please check your spam/junk inbox before emailing to let us know.

How to access the on-demand content

You will need to create an account on our Virtual Conference Platform (our dedicated live-stream area) to view the on-demand content. To do this, please follow the instructions here. The platform will be live from Monday 20th November midday, to Friday 8th December 5pm, for you to view the sessions.

For Terms and Conditions, including our cancellation policy, click here. If you're unable to attend the event, you can request a refund. Please note that refunds take at least two working days to process. For more information, please email or call us on 01246 912 421.